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Non-Animal Entry Dates August 9!

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Non-Animal Entry Dates August 9!

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Exhibitor Rules


  • No gambling, immoral exhibitions, intoxicated persons, or any intoxicating beverages or illegal drugs will be permitted on the fairgrounds.
  • No parking in the Fire Lanes.  Vehicles found in the Fire Lanes will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • No animals are allowed on the grounds other than those being exhibited or for demonstration purposes unless express permission is granted by the Fair Board.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the barns, buildings, or tents on the fairgrounds or in areas designated by “No Smoking” signs.
  • No bicycles are permitted on the fairgrounds, except for Emergency Service Vehicles.
  • Golf Carts and ATVs are to be registered and must follow the rules pertaining to them.
  • No open flames or campfires are permitted on the fairgrounds.


No pets of any kind are allowed on the premises of the Crawford County Fairgrounds during the Crawford County Fair.  The only exceptions are as follows:

  • As part of an approved entertainment program (such as the circus, racing pigs, etc.) or as part of an exhibition or competition (such as livestock and 4-H events) and must remain in their designated areas, meet applicable health and legal requirements, including proper insurance as required by the Crawford County Fair Board.  All animals must always remain under the control of the exhibitor.
  • Service animals or service animals in training, therapy animals, or emotional support animals (dog or cat) must be properly restrained or on a short leash; ID badges or vests are required.  Handlers may be required to provide proof of Health Certificate Records such as vaccines and current rabies vaccination.  No other type or scope of animal for these purposes will be permitted on the fairgrounds.  The handler and animals other than a dog or cat will be asked to leave the fairgrounds.  
  • Vendors and Exhibitors are discouraged, but allowed, to have their pets at their camping site only if the following conditions are met:
    • Animals must be registered at the Fair Office. 
    • All necessary health and legal requirements must be met (identification on the pet, proof of current rabies vaccination).
    • Failure to register your animal and/or provide proof of current rabies vaccination will result in immediate removal of your animal from the fairgrounds.
    • Animals should always be under control and restricted to the camping site that has been leased.
    • Animals must be provided with a cool, shaded area; be protected from inclement weather; provided with fresh water; and never left in a parked automobile.
    • Owners/Caretakers must pick up their animal’s waste and keep their campsite free of feces so that no odors bother adjacent campsites.  Feces must be disposed of in a proper trash container.  Effort must be made to control the smell of urine.
    • No one may walk their animal throughout the exhibits, booths, barns, food areas, or other fairground areas.
  • Any persons knowingly keeping a vicious animal must take every precaution to protect anyone from becoming injured from this animal—including caging and muzzling your animal to protect the public.  The owner/caretaker takes full liability of keeping a vicious animal in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • The Crawford County Fair Board reserves the right to have an animal removed from the premises in the event that the above conditions are not met, or the animal is perceived to pose a threat, or is an unreasonable inconvenience to the Fair’s exhibitors, vendors, or patrons.


It is the policy of the Crawford County Fair Board and the Crawford County Commissioners that vehicles parked in designated NO PARKING ZONES will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

The NO PARKING ZONES and FIRE LANE ZONES are designated for safety and/or access by emergency personnel.


  • Always operate Golf Carts/ATVs responsibly. Anyone not following the rules will have their privileges revoked and the Golf Cart/ATV will be removed from the Fairgrounds. 
  • Exhibitors and Vendors must register Golf Carts and ATVs.  Registration is done in the Fair Office from 9 AM until noon.   Registrations must be completed by noon on the Monday of Fair Week.
  • The registration fee is waived for the following:
    • Fair Maintenance, Electricians, and Trash Collectors
    • Fair Board Members, Emergency Service Personnel, and Security
    • Golf Carts used for the Shuttle Service
  • Operators must be at least 18 years of age and hold a valid driver’s license.
  • Tags will be issued when the driver of the vehicle provides the following information:
    • Driver’s License
    • Proof of Insurance
    • Registration Fee of $25.00
  • Operators must follow manufacturer specifications for the number of people allowed on the Golf Cart or ATV.  This will be enforced.
  • Golf Carts and ATVs are to be used in the operator’s exhibit area(s) only.
  • The use of two (2) wheel motorized vehicles is prohibited.


  • Camping is limited to exhibitors and concessionaires.
  • Camping fees shall be $150 for exhibitors 
  • Camper registration and fees are due by July 12, 2024. REGISTER ONLINE ONLY
  • Only one camper may be registered per form.  Use additional forms for additional campers.
  • No campers, except for Fair Officials, will be admitted prior to 8 AM on the Thursday before Fair—except for special permission by the Camping Coordinators.
  • All campers must enter through GATE 6 and check-in upon arrival. Non-registered campers are not permitted.
  • All campers must park where designated and prominently display their camping permit.
  • Camper Registration Hours are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 8 AM to 8 PM.  The Registration Tent is located inside Gate 3.  No campers will be admitted at any other time without special permission from the Camping Coordinators.
  • The camping permit is valid from Thursday prior to the Fair through the Sunday after the Fair. Campers parked at the Fairgrounds will be charged $27 per day for time not covered under the camping permit.
  • Camping spaces will be assigned at the discretion of the Camping Committee. Space and amenities are limited.
  • The Fair Board reserves the right to park multiple campers in each site.
  • Assignment of a camper space does not guarantee a vehicle parking space. Barricades are not permitted.
  • Trailers not used for camping will not be allowed in the camping area.
  • No awnings or slide-outs are allowed to extend into the next camping space.
  • Holding tanks will be pumped at no charge on Monday and Thursday between 8 AM and 3 PM, only. Pumping at any other time will be subject to the regular charge of pumping. It is the duty of the exhibitor to determine if the camper’s holding tank has been pumped out.  Claims of missed service must be reported to the Camping Coordinators by 5 PM on the same day of service.
  • No dumping of sewage or gray water onto the ground will be permitted.
  • No open flames or campfires are permitted on the fairgrounds.
  • No portable generators are permitted.
  • All electrical cords must be 10 gauge or larger.


  • All exhibits will be under the control and direction of the Fair Board, but the Fair Board will in no case be responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury, or damage done to or occasioned by or arising from any animal or article exhibited by the exhibitor, and for its description as given in the Fair Book and shall indemnify the Fair Board against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto.
  • The Fair Board will put forth every effort to protect all exhibits, and a watchman will be provided by the Fair Board where and when deemed necessary for the best interest of the exhibitors.  
  • Any false representation, interference, or unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of the exhibitor will be dealt with by the Fair Board according to the equities of the case.
  • All exhibitors must fill out and sign an entry form in the online entry program.
  • Exhibits that have been mistakenly entered may, at the discretion of the Department Chair, be transferred to their proper classes prior to judging.
  • Entries are to be exhibited for the entire duration of the fair.
  • Any items not claimed within 30 days of the fair will be disposed of.
  • Exhibitors will comply with any rules established by the Department in which they are exhibiting and abide by the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics.
  • An exhibitor who violates any of the rules will forfeit all privileges and premiums and be subject to a penalty as the Fair Board may direct. 


  • The Fair Board will appoint a veterinarian.  The Fair Veterinarian, or their designated representatives, will oversee the check-in process.  The Fair Veterinarian, or their designated representatives, will have the final say regarding removal of animals from the grounds for health reasons or for failure to provide required health records. 
  • 2024 Fair Veterinarian:  Dr. Scott Barczak is the veterinarian for the Crawford County Fair.  
  • If a veterinarian is needed for any medical reason, the exhibitor is responsible for all costs incurred.
  • All animals for exhibition must be entered in their real owner’s name.
  • No persons having entered an exhibit for competition will be allowed to make a substitution of animals or otherwise change the entry after five days prior to the opening of the Fair.
  • Exhibit cards filled with appropriate information must be displayed for each animal.
  • All exhibitors of livestock (cattle, horses, sheep, swine, poultry, rabbits, cavies, goats, and other livestock) will be responsible for the care and feeding of their animals.  Hay, grain, and bedding will be furnished by the exhibitor.  Livestock exhibitors are encouraged to bring feed and supplies at times when admission gates are not busy.
  • Animals are to remain under the owner or the owner’s representative’s control—including when on exhibition in the ring and when traveling to and from the pen to the wash racks or show areas.
  • All animals for exhibition must be in their assigned space, with all rubbish and waste cleared away, by 6 PM on Monday of Fair Week.
  • Livestock exhibitors are requested to tastefully decorate their quarters and to keep their area neat and attractive.
  • No persons other than those holding animals being exhibited will be allowed in the show ring during the time of judging—except for judges and any ring staff appointed by the Department Chair.
  • Department Chairs will have ring attendants available to assist youth in the show ring.
  • Use only those grooming products that are approved for use on meat and dairy animals.  If upon slaughter or testing, treatment with drugs, biologics, or any chemical from fitting products, is the cause of condemnation of a carcass or a product (such as milk, goat milk, cheese) the loss of the carcass or product and any other damages will be borne by the exhibitor.  
  • Failure to follow the PA Department of Agriculture Animal Health Requirements and Recommendations included in this Fair Book will result in entries being rejected for exhibition.  In addition, not following these guidelines may result in loss of Commonwealth funding and animals at the exhibition may be tested and quarantined by the Department of Agriculture.


  • Please be aware that the following rules and regulations are required to assure that warranties and longevity of this equipment are not jeopardized. To maintain the integrity of the galvanizing and paint we need to ensure the panels and pens are not scratched or damaged in any way. These panels and pens cost between $600 and $700 each. We need to take care of them so they last for years to come.
  • These rules will also help to maintain adequate ventilation and comfort of not only your animals but those that are housed near yours. 
    • No shelving or platforms are to be placed on the top of the pens. 
    • No hanging boxes are to be hooked on the pens or panels.
    • End panels for the beef panels used by exhibitors must not exceed 8 feet. They can be secured by rebar at the walkway end of the panel but not on the side facing the tie panels. Zip ties can be used to secure the end panel to the tie panels. 
    • Zip Ties, strings, or something non-abrasive must be used to hang signs and decorations.
    • Screws, nails, bolts, tape, wire etc. are not to be used on the new panels and pens. 

If exhibitors violate these rules resulting in damage to the panels or pens, the exhibitor will be responsible for paying a $75 fee to the Crawford County Fair Grounds Buildings Association II. 


It shall be the duty of the chairperson of each department, or his/her committee, to assist all exhibitors in properly entering their exhibit. The Chairperson shall also see that each exhibit meets the requirements as outlined in the Fair Book.  They shall assist the judges in keeping proper account of awards for premiums and shall certify to the proper officers the validity of all claims.


As far as possible, the single judge system will rule, and great care will be taken to select only those who qualified. Judges will familiarize themselves with all the rules and regulations of the Crawford County Fair Board pertaining to the classes that they judge. If any rule lacks clarity, attention should be called to it before judging begins. 

  • Purebred Dairy Cattle Association Show Ring Code of Ethics will be followed for all youth and open dairy show exhibitors.  Copies available at Extension or the Fair Office.
  • The judge must not award a prize to any unworthy exhibit. It is the intent of the Crawford County Fair Board that no premiums or distinction of any kind shall be given to any animal or article that is not deserving. In the event of a premium being withheld from any exhibit for that reason, the judge will write “Not Worthy” in the award column opposite such entry. The Judge, at their discretion, may award a prize or prizes of such grade as the exhibit deserves.  In a case where there is no competition, the Judge may give an award such as they deem the exhibit is worthy to receive.
  • Exhibitors, whether in person or by agent, who interfere with a judge, or show any disrespect to a judge, will be removed from the competition, and will forfeit any premiums to which they would otherwise be entitled.
  • Judges will receive their books from the Department Chair.  The Department Chair will return the books to the Fair Office immediately after the judging has finished.
  • The decision of a judge shall be final in all cases except for when a mistake, fraud, misrepresentation, or collusion, not discovered at the time award is proven.  In such cases, the Fair Board, or its referee as the Fair Board may select, shall decide and there shall be no appeal.
  • All protests must be in writing, must plainly state the case, and be delivered to the Chair of the Department where the issue occurred, or to the Fair Office during hours of operation, or to a Fair Board Member.  
  • No appeal of, or appeal from any award based on a statement that the judge overlooked an animal or article will be considered by the Fair Board.


  • Premiums will be designated by ribbons:  Blue 1st place; Red, 2nd place; White, 3rd place; etc.  Championship will be Royal Purple.
  • Exhibitors are encouraged to display their prize ribbons, awards, trophies, or certificates, etc. during the entire Fair.
  • Premiums are payable by bank checks.
  • Premiums will be mailed to exhibitors by December 2024.
  • Premiums will be forfeited unless the correct post office address is given.
  • Unclaimed premiums or ribbons will be forfeited.


Visit  Click on the participate tab, then select exhibitors, and online registration. Follow the directions to login and enter your animal or article.  Assistance with online registration can be obtained by emailing

The “Hold Harmless” exhibitor statement, IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics, and VCPR statements must be agreed to online when submitting entries.

4-H & FFA Entries:  4-H exhibitors must be members of a regularly organized Crawford County 4-H Club in good standing under the supervision of the Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension.  FFA exhibitors must be members of a Crawford County FFA Chapter and be in good standing with that Chapter.  All 4-H & FFA Exhibitors must have completed the project since the last County Fair. A member must complete a project book per division/species they plan to enter. All 4-H and FFA members with animal projects must participate in Showmanship and Grooming/Fitting classes, with an animal owned by the exhibitor to be eligible for type classes at the Fair unless they obtain permission to be excused for school classes or further education or medical need. If a member is unable to bring their animal(s) to the Fair, they have the option of participating exclusively in Showmanship in their respective department. Members must use another 4-H or FFA member’s project animal.


  • All animal entries must be completed online by Friday, July 12, 2024
  • 4-H & FFA Non-animal entries must be completed online by Friday, July 26, 2024
  • Homemade Wine entries must be completed online by July 27, 2024
  • Homemade Beer entries must be completed online by July 28, 2024
  • All other entries must be completed online by Friday, August 9, 2024


Non-Refundable Entry Fee:  No entry fee. 

Check-In:  5 PM to 8 PM on Friday, August 16, 2024, and from 8 AM to 11 AM on Saturday, August 17, 2024.


Payments & Forms:  Entry fees can be paid online using a credit or a debit card. See departments for entry fee. If you prefer to pay by check, print out the Animal Entry Payment Confirmation Form and then mail it with your check and any other required documents to:  Crawford County Fair Office, 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335.  Make checks payable to:  Crawford County Fair.  Must be postmarked by Friday, July 19, 2024.

  • Saddle Horses: Mail your entries and Animal Entry Payment Confirmation Form to Tina Caldwell, 11167 Ralston Road, Titusville, PA  16354.  Make checks payable to:  Crawford County Fair.  Must be postmarked by Friday, July 19, 2024.
  • Entries will not be accepted until payment is received.  Credit cards will not be charged until entries are approved.  Payment of any required entry fee(s) or other associated fee(s) does not guarantee acceptance of your entry for exhibition.
  • Non-Refundable Entry Fees:  Those issuing NSF checks may have their entries refused the following year. Individual animal entry fees may be found in corresponding departments. 


All exhibitors must provide a copy of registration papers and CVI  (if applicable) to the Department Chairmen at the time of check-in.  Entries will be accepted or rejected at the discretion of the Department Chair(s).

Failure to follow the requirements for exhibition included in this Fair catalog may result in loss of Commonwealth funding, and animal testing and quarantine of animals at the exhibition by the Department.

  • Tattoos, ear tags, and other forms of identification must be clean and readable.
  • Do Not Unload Animals Prior to Visual Inspection.
  • Check-in includes visual inspection of the animal(s) and the certificate of veterinary inspection (if applicable), and/or blood test forms.
  • Dr. Scott Barczak is the official Fair Veterinarian, hired by the Crawford County Fair Board. His decision to remove an animal from the grounds due to contagious disease or failure to provide necessary health charts/reports as set forth by the Crawford County Fair is final.
  • Dr. Scott Barczak  is responsible for supervising the checking in of animals onto the Fairgrounds and has the final word on removal of animals from the grounds for health reasons. If any veterinarian, including the Fair Veterinarian, is needed for any other medical reason, you as the exhibitor, are responsible for all treatment costs incurred.
  • Please refer to the Respective Departments for Health Rules and Regulations governing each specific department.
  • All livestock must enter the fairgrounds through Gate 3, except Saddle horses which must enter through Gate 2, unless permission is granted by the Fair Veterinarian.
  • All animals need to be delivered to their designated barn/tent for inspection and unloading.
    • Draft Horses – Sunday, August 18 from 4 PM to 8 PM and Monday, August 19 from noon to 4 PM. 
    • Saddle Horses – Saturday, August 17 from 8 AM to 9 PM and on Sunday, August 18 from 8 AM to noon.
    • Companion, Production Does, & Market Goats – Saturday, August 17 from 8 AM to noon and again from 2 PM to 6 PM. 
    • Dairy Cattle – Saturday, August 17 from 1 PM to 9 PM and on Sunday, August 18 from 9 AM to 7 PM.
      (except 4-H dairy cattle 4 PM and 4-H dairy beef 3 PM). 
    • Beef Cattle – Saturday, August 17 from 8 AM to noon and again from 2 PM to 6 PM 
    • Sheep – Saturday, August 17 from 8 AM to noon and again from 2 PM to 6 PM. 
    • Swine – Saturday, August 17 from 8 AM to 11 AM and again from 7 PM to 10 PM. 
    • Dairy Goats – Saturday, August 17 from 10 AM to 5 PM and Sunday, August 18 from noon to 5 PM. 
    • Rabbits & Cavies – Saturday, August 17 all rabbits from 11 AM to 6 PM and on Sunday, August 18 doe & litter and meat rabbits only from 8 AM to 10 AM *note the change from past year that only doe & litter and meat rabbits will be accepted Sunday. All others must come on Saturday.


  • Market Swine – Animals will be weighed after being unloaded from the trailer in the Livestock Complex on Saturday, August 17.
  • Market Beef – Sunday, August 18 at 1:00 PM in the Livestock Complex.
  • Market Sheep – Sunday, August 18 at 2:00 PM in the Livestock Complex.
  • Market Goats – Sunday, August 18 at 2:30 PM in the Livestock Complex.
  • Dairy Beef – Sunday, August 18 at 3:00 PM in the Livestock Complex.


Animals must remain on the fairgrounds until 8 PM on Saturday, August 24, 2024. *


Any animals that are returning to your herd should be isolated from other animals for 30 days. This will allow time for any symptoms to surface. Use of proper biosecurity protocols is recommended.

PA Health Rules

The Health Rules for the Crawford County Fair have been updated to keep everyone safe. These are in addition to the requirements set forth by the PA Department of Agriculture. If you have questions, please contact the appropriate Department Head.

Failure to follow the requirements for exhibition included may result in loss of Commonwealth funding, and require animal testing and quarantine of animals at the exhibition by the Department. Specific health rules can be found in fair department information.


Camping Rules

View Camping page for more information

Pets on the Fairground Rules

No pets of any kind are allowed on the premises of the Crawford County Fairgrounds. The only exceptions are as follows:

  1. As a part of an approved entertainment program (such as Circus, etc.) or part of an exhibition or competition (such as Livestock and 4-H events) remaining only in the designated areas, meeting applicable health and legal requirements, including the proper insurance as required by the Crawford County Fair Board. All animals must remain under the control of the exhibitor at all times.
  2. As service animals or service animals in training, properly restrained and identified and current with rabies vaccination.
  3. Vendors and Exhibitors are discouraged but allowed to have their pets at their camping site approved by the Crawford County Fair Board and only if the following conditions are met:
    1. Animal should always be under control and restricted to the camping site that has been leased.
    2. All necessary health and legal requirements must be met (such as identification on the pet, all pets must be current on the rabies vaccination and must be registered with the Crawford County Fair).
    3. Failure to register your pet and provide proper rabies information, you will be asked to remove your pet from the fairgrounds property immediately.
    4. Animal must be provided with a cool shaded area, be protected from inclement weather, provided with fresh water, and never left in a parked automobile on the Crawford County Fairgrounds.
    5. All pet owners/caretakers must pick up their animal’s waste and keep their campsite free of feces so that no odor bothers adjacent campsites, and they must dispose of waste in a proper trash container.
    6. No one may parade or walk the animal throughout the exhibits, booths, barns, food areas or other Fairground areas.
  4. Any persons knowingly keeping a vicious animal must take every precaution to protect anyone from becoming injured from this animal, including caging and muzzling your animal to protect the public. The owner/caretaker takes full liability of keeping a vicious animal in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  5. The Crawford County Fair Board reserves the right to have an animal removed from the premises in the event that the above conditions are not met or the animal is perceived to pose a threat or unreasonable inconvenience to Fair patrons.

Pet Registration Form

Please click the button below to download, print, fill out, and mail in.

Pet registration form

General Rules

View Now to download your copy of the Crawford County General Rules